
Monitoring Internal State

Heka Reports

Heka can emit metrics about its internal state to either an outgoing Heka message (and, through the DashboardOutput, to a web dashboard) or to stdout. Sending SIGUSR1 to hekad on a UNIX will send a plain text report to stdout. On Windows, you will need to send signal 10 to the hekad process using Powershell.

Sample text output

    InChanCapacity: 100
    InChanLength: 99
    InChanCapacity: 100
    InChanLength: 98
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    ProcessMessageCount: 26
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    InChanCapacity: 4
    InChanLength: 4
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 0
    ProcessMessageCount: 0
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 445
    ProcessMessageCount: 0
    InjectMessageCount: 0
    Memory: 20644
    MaxMemory: 20644
    MaxInstructions: 18
    MaxOutput: 0
    ProcessMessageAvgDuration: 0
    TimerEventAvgDuration: 78532
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 406
    InChanCapacity: 50
    InChanLength: 0
    MatchChanCapacity: 50
    MatchChanLength: 0
    MatchAvgDuration: 336

To enable the HTTP interface, you will need to enable the dashboard output plugin, see Dashboard Output.

Aborting When Wedged

In some cases a misconfigured Heka instance or some other conditions can cause Heka to suffer from “pack exhaustion”, resulting in the process becoming wedged such that no more data flows through the pipeline. In this case Heka will not shut down cleanly when sent a SIGINT signal via ctrl-c.

When this happens, Heka administrators should send a SIGUSR2 (or signal 11 on Windows) to the hekad process. If Heka detects that messages are successfully flowing through the system this will have no impact, but if Heka can verify that the pipeline is wedged then the following sequence of events will be triggered:

  • A Heka report will be generated and output to the console, hopefully providing insight into what caused the wedging.
  • A shutdown signal will be sent to the Heka pipeline, triggering a shut down if one hasn’t already been sent.
  • An abort signal will propagate through the Heka pipeline, causing any wedged sandboxes to become unwedged and immediately exit, preserving their state if specified with the preserve_data = true config setting.

When this has finished usually Heka will become unwedged and exit cleanly, preserving the state of all so configured sandboxes. In some cases Heka will still not exit cleanly and will require a SIGQUIT signal. Even in these cases, however, state of sandbox plugins will often be serialized to disk such that it’s available after a restart.